کیوکارد ایلتس (IELTS Cue Cards) چیست؟
در آزمون اسپیکینگ آیلتس دقیقا 1 دقیقه به شما فرصت داده می شود تا خود را برای صحبت در مورد یک موضوع خاص آماده کنید و به این موضوع کیوکارد IELTS Cue Cards یا Candidate Task Card می گویند. دستورالعملهایی که برای هدایت سخنرانی شما ارائه میشود، روی کارتی که توسط ممتحن به شما داده میشود، نوشته میشود. صحبت شما باید تقریباً 2 دقیقه طول بکشد تا زمانی که ممتحن از شما بخواهد توقف کنید. ممتحن در پایان یک یا دو سوال می پرسد. مدت زمان پاسخ دادن به Cue Cards / Candidate Task Card 3-4 دقیقه طول می کشد که این زمان شامل 1 دقیقه زمان فکر کردن نیز می شود.
فهرست موضوعات Cue Cards
نمونه های Cue Cards ارائه شده در زیر با توجه به موضوعات مختلف دسته بندی شده اند. اینها جدیدترین موضوعات Cue Cards هستند که در تست های واقعی [2022] از آن ها سوال پرسیده شده است. در این بخش ما همراه با یک عکس تمامی موضوعات اصلی کیوکارد را برای شما عنوان کرده ایم.
کیوکاردهای دسته علاقمندی
اینها کیوکاردهایی هستند که از شما در مورد چیزهایی که دوست دارید می پرسند.
Describe your favourite Picture or Photography you like
A song that has special meaning to you
a story/ novel interests you
Describe A Special or favourite Toy you liked in your childhood
Describe a favourite song that you like
Describe a restaurant you like(to go to)/ that impresses you
Exciting Sport
Describe an Indoor Game that you would like to play
Describe an area of science you like or interested in
Describe An free time activity you like to do after study or work
کیوکاردهای دسته زمان بندی
اینها کیوکاردهای هستند که از شما میخواهند درباره رویدادهایی که در گذشته/حال و آینده رخ دادهاند صحبت کنید.
A Subject at School
Things You Want to Buy in the Future
An age/stage in your life you enjoyed most
کیوکارد های دسته شخص
اینها دسته شامل کارتهایی می شوند که از شما در مورد دوست یا یک راهنما سوال می شود.
A person You Admire/Love Essay
Describe someone you consider a good leader
Describe one of your Family Member You Spend The Most Time With
An Occasion You Unexpectedly Met Someone for the first time
Describe Someone in the news you like to meet
Someone/Something Made A Lot Of Noise
An Older Person Who You Admire
A Good/Best Friend
Describe an Old Friend
Describe a Family Member
An Interesting Neighbor You Like
talk about an interesting conversation you had with a stranger
A Person Speak A Second (Foreign) Language Well
A Time When You Waited For Something or someone to arrive
کیوکاردهای دسته شیء
Describe a picture or photograph in your home
A Gift You Gave That Took A Long Time To Choose
Describe a piece of electronic equipment that you find useful
A Time You Borrowed Something useful
A house/apartment you like to live in
A Product You Were Happy With
An item of clothing that someone bought for you
Describe a painting or work of art
Describe a time someone or something made noise
کیوکاردهای دسته مناسبت
An Occasion When You Got Up Very Early in the morning
Describe a birthday party celebration that you attended
کیوکاردهای دسته مکان
A Place you remember well that is Full of Color
A country you have not been to yet
A street that you like to visit
Describe a polluted place
A place near water you visited
Describe a place where you often go to relax
کیوکاردهای دسته شغل/ تحصیل
A Project at Work or Homework Assignment
A Course You Like to Study and found useful
Describe a piece of work you did quickly
Describe your Dream/ideal/Perfect Job
Describe something that you want to learn more
کیوکاردهای دسته احساسات
Ambition You Have Not Yet Achieved
Describe something A Child that Made You Laugh
A Paid Job You/A Friend Enjoyed Doing
An experience you had as a member of a team
A disagreement you had with a friend
a recent activity or event that made you happy
a difficult decision you made in your life
A TV Program that Made You Laugh
A Goal that You Have
Describe the Best and exciting experience in your life
Describe an exciting or Interesting Thing You Did
Describe an Advertisement which you found very persuasive
A Time You Used Your Imagination
A Time You Need to Use Imagination
A book that had a major influence on you
Describe a success your friend has had or achieved
A special and memorable meal you have had
A situation made you angry
Describe an experience you spent time with a child that you know
A positive experience when you were a teenager
Describe an unusual/ an unforgettable or memorable meal
Describe a time you were friendly to someone you didn’t like
Describe an ambition you have not achieved yet
مطالب مرتبط پیشنهادی:
روش های طلایی تقویت ریدینگ آیلتس (IELTS)
روش های بهبود رایتینگ آیلتس (IELTS)
مقالات مرتبط
اولین نفری باشید که نظر میگذارید